Thai Tourism Stocks to Benefit from Revival of ‘We Travel Together’ Campaign

Thailand is planning to bring back the “We Travel Together” campaign to boost domestic tourism and spending, which should benefit all business classes from small shops to large corporations.

Sorawong Thienthong, the Minister of Tourism and Sports, said that he is considering the “We Travel Together” as one of the options to boost domestic tourism and stimulate spending amid an economic slowdown. However, further detail on the scheme would require deeper discussion with related parties.

During the pandemic, the “We Travel Together” initiative provided financial incentives such as hotel and air travel discounts to promote domestic tourism in Thailand. Five phases of the scheme were rolled out, stretching from July 2020 to April 2023 with a few months of space between each phase.

The recovery of Thai tourism from the pandemic is expected with or without the scheme, but at that dire moment during the pandemic, an initiative to boost tourism, which is the key contribution to the Thai economy, is top priority. It is undeniable that the “We Travel Together” campaign played a big role in the recovery of Thai tourism.


When talks about domestic tourism arise, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (SET: AOT) is the forefront beneficiary due to its monopoly in operating most of the airports in Thailand.

Meanwhile, The Erawan Group Public Company Limited (SET: ERW) and Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited (SET: CENTEL) are well-known for their operations of domestic hotels.