STA-NER Leads Gains among Sector as Commodity Prices Trend Higher

On Wednesday at 3:02 PM (Bangkok time), the share price of Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited (SET: STA) soared by 3.33% or THB 0.80 to THB 24.80, with a trading value of THB 680.60 million.

North East Rubber Public Company Limited (SET: NER) grew by 0.93% or THB 0.05 to THB 5.45, with a trading value of THB 78.57 million.


Finansia Syrus Securities (FSS) reported that the price of SICOM rubber surged to its highest level in seven years at 209.5 cents per kilogram, marking a 3.7% day-on-day increase and an 8.6% week-on-week rise. This uptick followed the announcement of policy easing measures by the PBOC on Tuesday, leading to speculation across various commodities, especially driven by heightened demand from China.

Sugar prices also experienced consistent growth, reaching 23.12 cents per pound, reflecting a 13.5% increase week-on-week, while soybean prices rose by 2.3% week-on-week to $10.38 per bushel.

Following the ongoing trend of elevated or increasing commodity prices, the analyst has issued ‘Speculative-BUY’ recommendations for STA, NER, KSL, BRR, and TVO.