CFRESH Establishes New Subsidiaries for Food Retail and Noodle Franchise

Seafresh Industry Public Company Limited (SET: CFRESH) has informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand that the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 10/2024, which was held on 18 December 2024, has passed a resolution approving the establishment of two new subsidiaries, with the details as follows:

1) Seafresh Foods Co., Ltd., was established with registered capital of THB 50 million, divided into 5,000,000 ordinary shares, to engage in marketing and selling of food products.

2) Hia Chia Gourmet Co., Ltd., was established with registered capital of THB 5 million, divided into 500,000 ordinary shares, to operate noodle shops and franchises.

The establishment date for both companies are expected to be within January 2025, with CFRESH holding 100% of their shares.