PIS Forms a Consortium for Maintenance Services and Projects with PEA

Pro Inside Public Company Limited (mai: PIS) has announced the progress of the agreement for maintenance services for Core Business Software and integration of related systems Project with the Provincial Electricity Authority via the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), with the details as follows:

Pro Inside Public Company Limited has joined with Portalnet Company Limited (Portalnet) to establish the PTNPI Consortium to jointly submit bidding for maintenance services for Core Business Software and integrate related systems Project to the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA).

PTNPI Consortium signed the Agreement for the maintenance services for Core Business Software and the integration of related systems Project with the Provincial Electricity Authority, total project value of 1,504,420,000 THB including VAT. The service period is 24 months starting from April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2027 and the scope of work is to provide maintenance services for the computer software system and the license in order to integrate the software computer system linkage for the core business (SAP HANA Enterprise Edition (Full Use)) 2 systems as follows;

  1. The software computer system for Core Business Software Phase 2 (CBS system)
  2. The systems related to linkage from the software computer system for Core Business Software (SAP HANA Enterprise Edition (Full Use)) (Full Use system)

According to the PTNPI Consortium Agreement, the scope of joint responsibility for the project between the company and Portalnet is that PIS is responsible for 46 percent of the project value, and Portalnet is responsible for 54 percent of the project value. Portalnet is the Consortium Leader who will mainly lead the project. The PTNPI Consortium has an obligation to provide services within the service timeline. If the project has any defect, PEA has the right to fine the PTNPI Consortium until the corrective action is completely resolved.