Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 27 January 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

DELTA 2,807,900 394,057,000 13.52%
BH 966,800 173,257,550 8.36%
BBL 666,000 102,313,500 8.76%
AOT 1,770,600 98,426,250 10.83%
ADVANC 223,400 64,286,300 7.94%
MINT 2,439,600 56,580,280 7.29%
TRUE 3,997,900 47,187,160 8.41%
PTTEP 385,900 46,955,850 8.47%
CPALL 605,300 33,711,250 3.23%
TOP 1,185,800 32,971,550 2.37%
LH 5,815,600 27,296,168 8.94%
CCET 3,109,200 26,730,950 4.21%
KBANK 150,400 23,937,050 4.10%
PTT 729,800 22,538,600 3.69%
TISCO 206,600 20,366,825 14.24%
BEM 2,629,500 17,856,000 5.86%
BCP 450,800 15,898,550 14.90%
BDMS 631,300 14,855,860 2.83%
SCC 95,200 14,759,200 4.94%
BTS 2,212,700 13,787,125 2.44%
HMPRO 1,538,100 13,730,140 14.18%
EA 4,355,500 13,647,724 0.88%
GULF 216,900 13,036,375 2.52%
TTB 6,473,300 12,165,965 3.31%
VGI 3,244,500 10,959,414 4.32%
OSP 514,500 10,545,220 11.49%
WHA 2,111,300 10,239,040 3.50%
INTUCH 93,300 9,267,300 2.36%
CPF 407,700 9,191,300 2.64%
TU 775,600 8,978,340 5.28%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
