Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 6 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

DELTA 1,530,100 119,973,450 3.82%
PTT 3,720,200 111,472,625 7.03%
BDMS 4,600,300 108,424,530 8.81%
ADVANC 386,200 105,296,500 4.92%
BH 538,200 96,900,100 5.97%
AOT 2,267,100 92,982,725 6.10%
IVL 4,330,300 91,187,540 9.42%
PTTEP 849,900 90,510,650 6.60%
KBANK 545,800 81,536,550 6.62%
INTUCH 865,500 69,645,300 4.98%
SCC 457,700 68,855,950 8.14%
BBL 401,100 59,025,350 6.12%
CPALL 1,013,400 53,485,450 2.43%
SCB 389,100 47,527,400 6.22%
GULF 880,100 43,506,050 2.91%
OR 3,445,900 38,146,240 15.27%
TISCO 334,500 32,494,325 4.57%
TTB 16,470,800 31,625,709 7.08%
CPF 1,224,900 29,570,070 6.62%
WHA 7,979,200 28,144,820 5.17%
HMPRO 3,471,700 28,060,510 6.62%
KTB 1,168,200 26,251,890 3.19%
MINT 907,900 26,120,975 6.34%
MTC 533,300 25,319,275 11.65%
BTS 4,187,900 25,218,360 9.13%
OSP 1,553,500 24,604,870 3.84%
TOP 896,000 22,562,090 2.67%
AWC 6,805,600 20,021,708 10.98%
ITC 1,176,700 19,373,760 15.04%
COM7 891,900 19,048,170 3.97%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
