Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 11 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

DELTA 3,691,100 273,039,700 11.47%
ADVANC 750,300 201,542,500 9.34%
PTT 5,771,900 159,506,700 4.43%
BBL 1,051,500 154,078,300 17.32%
AOT 3,620,400 143,354,700 4.46%
KBANK 756,400 112,473,650 6.97%
GULF 1,954,900 95,271,400 5.05%
MTC 1,899,300 84,886,775 22.64%
BTS 13,055,700 75,308,055 22.81%
MINT 2,634,500 74,121,375 15.04%
BDMS 3,210,300 73,860,970 4.84%
BEM 12,118,700 70,479,690 18.70%
CRC 2,076,100 61,384,425 13.71%
CPALL 1,188,500 60,166,925 2.89%
TRUE 5,487,200 59,898,570 6.04%
TIDLOR 3,735,800 55,896,860 15.99%
IVL 2,352,900 49,404,500 5.79%
PTTEP 441,000 48,234,350 4.88%
COM7 2,381,900 47,367,400 12.57%
WHA 13,143,000 47,347,818 7.59%
SCC 314,000 46,234,850 4.81%
TTB 23,354,800 44,417,618 8.76%
KTB 1,838,800 41,672,500 3.19%
PTTGC 1,968,500 34,144,700 3.12%
OR 2,814,200 30,097,030 9.70%
CBG 468,800 28,786,250 8.54%
KTC 608,800 28,747,600 11.89%
SAWAD 891,400 28,426,025 8.21%
HMPRO 3,611,400 28,184,720 7.78%
CPAXT 1,003,700 28,152,350 12.39%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
