Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 14 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

AOT 4,670,300 186,308,025 13.10%
PTT 5,451,700 155,589,250 5.88%
DELTA 1,973,300 138,758,575 13.33%
BDMS 3,891,000 93,184,750 8.27%
KTB 3,600,200 84,348,360 4.35%
SCC 472,700 77,476,350 3.81%
KBANK 451,700 67,439,650 4.03%
ADVANC 236,800 63,820,500 6.41%
CPALL 1,269,700 63,161,550 3.77%
PTTEP 431,400 47,343,450 5.83%
HMPRO 4,828,000 37,374,885 17.99%
MTC 815,800 35,892,600 14.38%
SAWAD 1,175,300 34,764,600 8.82%
MINT 1,212,800 33,434,275 6.79%
WHA 9,549,800 33,181,838 7.66%
TRUE 2,870,600 30,784,790 4.07%
IVL 1,390,800 29,993,160 4.55%
SCB 233,500 29,048,550 3.43%
VGI 9,408,800 28,258,636 8.29%
BEM 4,811,200 26,508,090 9.74%
CRC 873,000 24,207,325 11.24%
CPN 438,400 22,339,850 5.39%
GPSC 664,800 20,526,325 5.97%
PTTGC 951,400 17,724,080 1.60%
SIRI 10,378,200 17,486,916 14.55%
BH 85,700 15,022,050 3.27%
INTUCH 179,700 13,937,550 2.32%
BCH 775,300 12,390,820 11.07%
OR 1,134,100 11,986,790 4.97%
AWC 4,039,900 11,630,242 5.50%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
