DFDL Cambodia Legal Update: Cambodia Moves Real Estate Service Licensing To Online Procedure

Following the implementation Prakas No. 064 on Real Estate Business Services Licensing issued on 27 December 2022 and its subsequent announcements in 2023, the Royal Government of Cambodia now moves a huge step to online licensing procedure as part of its Cambodia Digital Government Policy 2022-2035 issued on 28 January 2022.

The Real Estate Business and Pawnshop Regulator (“RPR”) of the Non-Banking Financial Service Authority (“NBFSA”) issued a notification on Procedure of Application for Professional Certificates and Licenses of Real Estate Services via Information Technology System Portal dated 24 July 2024 (“RPR Notification”).

The RPR Notification notes that it will launch procedure for applying professional certificates and licenses for real estate services for parent companies, branch offices via information technology portal from 1 August 2024 onwards. This will make the licensing procedure more straightforward, less time-consuming and effective as compared to the old licensing procedure. Please refer to our previous legal update in detail on the topic via Cambodia: New Prakas on Real Estate Business Service Licensing (dfdl.com)

Based on the RPR Notification, the physical hard original submission will thus no longer be required. Applicants who wish to apply for professional certificate or license for their real estate services will be able to submit their application dossier to https://realestate-service-business.rpr.gov.kh via App: CamDigikey.

The information provided here is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.

Should you need any further details on types of real estate services licenses, application procedure via the RPR’s online system, required application documents and assistance with the licensing, please reach out to DFDL Cambodia.