Inflationary pressures in the United States continued to decline in April as producer prices...
MSCI Adds MAKRO to Global Standard Index and 5 Others to Small Cap Indexe
The MSCI Global Standard Indexes has announced changes in constituents for MSCI Global Standard...
Most Asian Shares Drop as U.S. Inflation Shows More Signs of Easing
Shares in most Asian markets lost ground on Friday following U.S. data indicating a...
WHA’s1Q23 Revenue and Profits Rise 11.8% from Foreign Investor Production Relocation and Power Business Growth
WHA Corporation PCL (SET: WHA) has announced its Q1/2023 performance, reporting total revenue and...
WHAUP Shows 1Q23 Strong Result as Expected, Thanks to the Reviving Power Business
WHA Utilities and Power PCL (SET: WHAUP) announced its Q1/2023 earnings, with total revenue...
Top 30 BUY/SELL Shares from Foreign Investors (NVDR) on May 11, 2023
The report of trading stocks on May 11, 2023 through Thai NVDR, the alternative...