Precious Shipping Public Company Limited (SET: PSL) has announced that the company acquired two secondhand Vessels, viz. M.V. NORDIC SEOUL and M.V. NORDIC BUSAN through its subsidiaries for a total investment value of USD51 million.
The purchase price of M.V. NORDIC SEOUL is USD 25 million or about THB 852 million and the purchase price of M.V. NORDIC BUSAN is USD 26 million or about THB 886.08 million which is market price.
M.V. NORDIC SEOUL has deadweight tonnes of about 35,882 DWT, while M.V. NORDIC BUSAN has about 35,882 DWT.
PSL stated that in accordance with the company’s strategy to capture the current robust market conditions and to have a more fuel-efficient fleet. After the acquisition and delivery of these 2 vessels, the company’s fleet will consist of 38 vessels with an aggregate capacity of about 1,657,569 DWT.