Thai Shipping Stocks Surge as Concerns on Trade War Prompt Shipping Activities

On Friday at 11:00 AM (Bangkok time), the share price of Precious Shipping Public Company Limited (SET: PSL) rose by 3.63% or THB 0.35 to THB 10.00, with a trading value of THB 78.17 million.

The share price of Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Company Limited (SET: TTA) increased by 2.07% or THB 0.15 to THB 7.40, with a trading value of THB 16.29 million.

The share price of Regional Container Lines Public Company Limited (SET: RCL) climbed by 0.88% or THB 0.25 to THB 28.50, with a trading value of THB 110.25 million.

According to Yuanta Securities (Thailand), Thai shipping stocks experienced a notable increase following a 3.4% rise in the Baltic Exchange Dry Index (BDI) and the fact that traders expressed worries about a possible escalation in the trade war. This scenario led to an immediate short-term uptick in product shipping activities and generated a positive market sentiment for stocks like PSL, TTA, RCL, and WICE.