Thai Stock Market Falls to Nearly 4-Year Low amid Political Uncertainties

During the morning session on Tuesday at 10:53 AM (Bangkok time), the Thai stock market experienced a decline of 11.76 points, landing at 1,287.59, hitting a new low since November 2020. This downtrend followed the negative performance of regional markets and persisted concerns over prolonged political uncertainties, which continued to unsettle investors.

Finansia Syrus Securities (FSS) highlighted that the drop in the SET index below 1,300 points contributed to a pessimistic market sentiment. Concurrently, Asian markets exhibited muted activity with decreased trading volumes, predominantly moving in a downward direction.

The prevailing political uncertainties in Thailand exerted ongoing pressure on the market, potentially leading to further drag. This environment of uncertainty eroded investor confidence, resulting in a cautious approach towards investments and a heightened inclination to sell off stocks as a risk-mitigation strategy.