KTB’s 2Q24 Earnings Rise 10% from Increasing Interest Income

Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited (SET: KTB) has announced its 2Q24 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;

Quarter 2Q24 2Q23
Net Profit (Loss)
Million Baht
11,195.15 10,156.20
Earning Per Share
0.8000 0.7300
% Change 10.23
6 Months 6M24 6M23
Net Profit (Loss)
Million Baht
22,273.59 20,222.79
Earning Per Share (Baht) 1.59 1.45
% Change 10.14

KTB reported a net profit of Baht 11,195 million in 2Q24, an increase of 10.23% from the same period of last year.

Net interest income was Baht 30,055 million, increased by 8.2% YoY from the portfolio optimization management with a justified risk adjusted return in economic uncertainties coupling upward interest rate situation. NIM registered at 3.37%, compared to 3.20% in 2Q2023.

Meanwhile, net fee and service income was Baht 5,277 million, rose by 10.0% YoY, mainly owing to fees related to credit card services and Mutual Fund fees.

The Bank’s consolidated loans to customers registered at Baht 2,560,989 million. With KTB’s portfolio optimization for a justified risk adjusted return, loans were relatively stable to end of 2023 through the reduction QoQ from the repayment of corporate and government segments with expectation to accelerate loan demand in the second half of this year. 

The Bank’s consolidated NPL as at June 30, 2024 was Baht 98,701 million, decreased from December 31, 2023 as a result of KTB’s continuing prudent and flexible asset quality management with NPLs Ratio of 3.12%. The appropriate level of expected credit losses were set aside to maintain the high level of coverage ratio for any economic uncertainties along with closely monitoring of its asset quality. As at June 30, 2024, the consolidated coverage ratio stood at 181.1%, relatively stable compared with the end of2023.