JPARK’s Earnings in 2Q24 Rise 50% from Increasing Revenue and Profitability from Parking Businesses

Jenkongklai Public Company Limited (mai: JPARK) has announced its 2Q24 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;

Quarter 2Q24 2Q23
Net Profit (Loss)

Million Baht

25.93 17.28
Earning Per Share


0.0600 0.0600
% Change 50.06
6 Months 2024 2023
Net Profit (Loss)

Million Baht

50.70 27.82
Earning Per Share (Baht) 0.1300 0.1100
% Change 82.26


JPARK reported a net profit in 2Q24 of Baht 25.93 million, representing a net profit margin of 17.82%, compared to a net profit of Baht 17.28 million for the same period in 2023, representing a net profit margin of 12.17%. This is mainly due to the improved revenue and profitability of the PS and CIPS businesses.

Gross profit was Baht 43.77 million, representing a gross profit margin of 30.08%. This was higher than the gross profit of the same period last year of Baht 33.34 million, representing a gross profit margin of 23.48%, due to the proportional recognition of CIPS revenue according to their percentage of completion.


For the three-month period ended 30 June 2024 and 2023, the company had income from services amounting to Baht 145.53 million and Baht 142.02 million, respectively. The income increased by Baht 3.51 million YoY, representing an increase of 2.47%. The main increase comes from the increase in the revenue from the parking service business (PS), amounting to Baht 7.88 million, representing an increase of 9.68%. Also, the increase in revenue from parking management service business (PMS) amounting to Baht 1.02 million, representing an increase of 5.00%.

On the other hand, the revenue from the consultant and installation parking management systems service business (CIPS) decreased by Baht 4.33 million, representing a decrease of 11.92% due to the projects of Smart Parking Management System and Guidance System, which the company was granted contract in mid-2023, have gradually recognize income in proportion to the work completed (Percentage of Completion) according to financial reporting standards had a lesser progress for income recognition than that of the same period last year. This is normal practice of S-Curve by the end of a project nearly complete. Other services revenue was reduced by Baht 1.06 million or 26.84% due to discontinuing some lease contracts that expired in December 2023.


JPARK  had costs from services of Baht 101.76 million, decreasing by Baht 6.92 million YoY or a decrease of 6.37% from the same period last year.

Administrative expenses stood at Baht 13.20 million, accounting for 9.07% of service income. Administrative expenses decreased by Baht 0.38 million YoY, a decrease of 2.80% from the same period of the previous year.