SCC Reports 54% Drop in 2Q24 Earnings to THB3.7 Billion, Offering THB2.5 Dividend

The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SET: SCC) has announced its 2Q24 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;

Quarter 2Q24 2Q23
Net Profit (Loss)
Million Baht
3,707.93 8,082.24
Earning Per Share
3.0900 6.7400
% Change -54.12
6 Months 2024 2023
Net Profit (Loss)
Million Baht
6,132.79 24,607.98
Earning Per Share (Baht) 5.1100 20.5100
% Change -75.08

SCC reported a net profit of 3,707 million baht in 2Q24, decreased 54.12% from a net profit of 8,082 million baht in 2Q23. The decline was mainly due to a decrease in chemical spreads and the Long Son Petrochemicals Complex (LSP) expenses.

Revenue from sales increased 3% YoY to 128 billion baht, mainly from the incremental sales from SCG Chemicals and SCGP. However, EBITDA decreased 18% YoY, mainly from lower chemicals spreads, and the MTT incident in SCG Chemicals.

SCGC’s Revenue from Sales registered 52,491 MB, increased by +16% QoQ and +8% YoY from higher sales volume. EBITDA was 3,098 MB, increased by +140% QoQ regarding higher sales volume and seasonal dividend but decreased by -48% YoY from lower gap and seasonal dividend including the MTT incident.

The Board of Directors of SCG has approved a H1/24 interim dividend payment of THB2.5 per share, totaling 3,000 million baht, which is payable on Aug 23/24 (XD-date on Aug 07/24, and record date on Aug 08/24).