HANA’s 2Q24 Net Profit Drops 40% as Sales Revenue Decrease

Hana Microelectronics Public Company Limited (SET: HANA) has announced its 2Q24 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;

Quarter 2Q24 2Q23
Net Profit (Loss)

Million Baht

376.38 635.38
Earning Per Share


0.4300 0.7900
% Change -40.76
6 Months 2024 2023
Net Profit (Loss)

Million Baht

689.59 901.87
Earning Per Share (Baht) 0.7800 1.1200
% Change -23.54


HANA reported a net profit in 2Q24 of THB 376 million, a decrease of 40% from THB 635 million in 2Q23, due to lower sales revenue.

Sales revenue experienced a 2% YoY decline to THB 6,752 million from THB 6,910 million in the same period of 2023. Similarly, sales revenue in USD terms also decreased by 8% to USD 184 million from USD 200 million in 2Q23. Additionally, earnings from operations saw a significant decrease of 37% to THB 494 million compared to THB 786 million in the second quarter of 2023.

The company business is that of an electronics manufacturing service company. The company manufactures products on behalf of its customers for shipment to them or their customers. Therefore, the company’s performance is mostly affected by its ability to win and retain business from the existing and new customers. In turn, customer demand is affected by world economic growth and the customer’s sales growth.