PTT Plans to Raise THB500 Million from Debentures

PTT Public Company Limited (SET: PTT) has announced that on 23 September 2024, PTT has issued unsubordinated and unsecured debenture No.1/2024 for the total amount of Baht 500 million to the specific investors (limited offering format not more than 10 persons).

This issuance is under a Bank of Thailand (BOT) Regulatory Sandbox via Blockchain debenture through the Q-Money Wallet by Kasikornbank Public Company Limited. The system enables the real time payment and settlement of interest and principal. After the issuance of the debenture, PTT remained a fund-raising plan amounting to Baht 155,500 million. The details of the debenture are as follows:

The issuance was made in accordance to the 2022 Annual General Meeting of PTT held on 8 April 2022 which had the resolution to approve PTT’s fundraising plan, in a total amount of equivalent Baht 200,000 million for a period of 5 years (2022-2026), including a portion of funds to be raised through PTT’s subsidiary for the purpose of providing fund to PTT. This fund will be used for capital expenditures and/or working capital and/or refinancing.