AIS Harnesses The Power of Green Partners to Elevate The HUB OF E-WASTE

On October 14 this year, Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (SET: ADVANC), as the first Thai organization to join the WEEE Forum (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), an international organization that compiles data on electronic waste and has members from various agencies worldwide, is committed to leading efforts by mobilizing the potential of over 220 green partners from both the public and private sectors in Thailand. The aim is to enhance the operations of the HUB OF E-WASTE, a smart electronic waste management center. By addressing the issue of e-waste through proper recycling processes, the mission contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with the goal of Zero E-Waste to Landfill. AIS is also launching the campaign “Aunjai Goes Nationwide: E-Waste Hunt,” a major event where “Aunjai” and “Thailand Post” will travel to invite 220 partner organizations across Thailand to join in the e-waste hunt. People are encouraged to bring their household e-waste to over 2,700 drop-off points nationwide, in collaboration with AIS and its partners.

Saichon Submakudom, Head of Public Relations and Business Relations AIS, stated, “We are using this year’s International E-Waste Day to intensify our efforts to address the global warming crisis, which is having a significant impact on the environment. We are leveraging the power of Green Partnerships and the potential of digital technologies to create meaningful change. This involves raising awareness about the proper management of electronic waste, advancing policy work, and taking concrete action that will contribute to the mission of Decarbonization, or reducing greenhouse gas emissions for both organizations and the country, by ensuring that e-waste is properly recycled. This can lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions.”

According to the 2024 Global E-waste Monitor (GEM) report by the UN, the world currently produces over 62 million kilograms of electronic waste, which is equivalent to 1.55 million trucks of e-waste lined up around the Earth’s equator. Furthermore, it is expected that this number will increase to 82 million kilograms by 2030. If this waste is left unmanaged and not properly recycled, it will pose a danger from toxic substances and greenhouse gases, which will directly impact both the planet and ourselves.

“For over five years, AIS has been committed to promoting this cause, and we have declared our readiness to become the HUB OF E-WASTE, or Thailand’s Smart E-Waste Management Center, in every aspect. This includes being a knowledge hub that gathers information on solving e-waste problems, a Green Community network center raising environmental awareness and encouraging participation, a central point for expanding e-waste drop-off locations with more than 2,700 points nationwide, and a center for managing e-waste in collaboration with Thailand Post to collect and track e-waste status using Blockchain technology via the E-Waste+ app. This app ensures that all e-waste is delivered to certified recycling plants. Our main goal is to manage e-waste properly without landfilling, aiming for Zero E-Waste to Landfill. These policies are crucial for conducting environmentally sustainable business, leveraging the potential of digital technologies and the strength of Green Partnerships across all sectors, in order to make tangible progress in addressing the e-waste problem.”

In addition to addressing e-waste, which is a key part of the Decarbonization mission, this year the WEEE Forum (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), an international organization that compiles data on e-waste and has members from various agencies worldwide, has designated the theme for International E-Waste Day on October 14, 2024, as “Join the e-waste hunt – retrieve, recycle, and revive.” This aligns with the HUB OF E-WASTE mission, which inspired the campaign “Aunjai Goes Nationwide: E-Waste Hunt.” This campaign invites 220 partner organizations to participate in searching for e-waste and spreading the idea of e-waste collection through “Aunjai” and “Thailand Post,” who will manage the waste properly. The campaign is expected to reach over 6 million followers through social media awareness campaigns from these organizations.

“AIS is committed to being a leader in e-waste management, and we invite all organizations and sectors to join the HUB OF E-WASTE and the Green Network. Together, we can extend the fight against this issue to our friends, families, and everyone around us to protect our planet,” Saichon concluded.