CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited (SET: CK) has informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand that the company has executed a Joint Venture Agreement with Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited, (currently Stecon Group Public Company Limited or STECON) under the name CKST-OR Joint Venture, for the purpose to undertake the Civil Works of the MRT Orange Line Project, Bang Khun Non-Min Buri (Suwinthawong) Section, with CK holding 51% of the investment ratio, and Sino-Thai Engineering holding 49% of the investment ratio.
In addition, CKST-OR Joint Venture has signed, as the Contractor, the Contract Agreement for Civil Works of the MRT Orange Line Project, Bang Khun Non-Min Buri (Suwinthawong) Section, West Section, Bang Khun Non-Thailand Cultural Centre Section, with CH. Karnchang. The contract has an estimated value of THB 58.95 billion (VAT included), with the operation period of 64 months after the execution date of 29 November 2024.