On 4 December 2024, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) received a filing from Thai Airway International Public Company Limited (SET: THAI), indicating a change of its major shareholders.
Following the debt-to-equity conversion, Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited (SET: BBL) received additional 10.35% of THAI’s shares, combining with existing 0.43% shares to a total amount of 10.39% of the shares. This makes BBL the second largest shareholder of Thai Airway.
Additionally, Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited (SET: KTB) also acquired 5.73% of THAI’s shares through a similar method. This makes KTB the third largest shareholder of Thai Airway.
The receiving of shares by BBL and KTB is part of Thai Airway rehabilitation plan to turn debt into capital, as both banks are THAI creditors.