Thai Power Plant Stocks Slump amid Turmoil on Government’s PPA Deal

On Thursday at 10:51 AM (Bangkok time), the share price of Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited (SET: GUNKUL) dropped by 2.56% or THB 0.06 to THB 2.28, with a trading value of THB 23.08 million.

Energy Absolute Public Company Limited (SET: EA) slumped by 1.90% or THB 0.08 to THB 4.12, with a trading value of THB 274.43 million.

Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (SET: GPSC) declined by 3.14% or THB 1.25 to THB 38.50, with a trading value of THB 114.05 million.

B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (SET: BGRIM) contracted by 1.54% or THB 0.30 to THB 19.20, with a trading value of THB 53.47 million.


Finansia Syrus Securities (FSS) noted that, during a meeting on Wednesday, the National Energy Policy Council (NEPC) decided to delay the signing of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with 72 chosen renewable energy providers, amounting to 2,180 megawatts, at the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).

The analyst anticipates that this development may generate negative sentiment towards the selected firms like GUNKUL, GPSC, RATCH, EGCO, BGRIM, EA, and BANPU, potentially influencing their stock prices in the short term.

Nonetheless, the effect is foreseen to be limited since there were no immediate surges in share prices post the announcement of the selected companies, amidst apprehensions regarding the deal’s validity due to the Minister of Energy’s prior directive to temporarily suspend the power procurement project.