Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 7 February 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

DELTA 1,929,200 214,153,250 8.56%
KBANK 1,219,900 194,051,000 12.94%
BBL 1,167,800 178,623,100 12.35%
PTTEP 1,363,000 169,190,150 13.42%
ADVANC 574,500 159,016,200 5.51%
PTT 5,204,600 157,870,525 12.61%
AOT 2,115,000 118,638,600 8.95%
BEM 17,858,300 118,197,710 22.15%
CPALL 2,425,800 117,762,000 1.81%
SCC 788,900 115,423,500 18.61%
TRUE 6,134,400 72,872,880 8.86%
CRC 2,032,500 67,511,575 23.88%
BTS 10,993,000 63,544,920 3.80%
BDMS 2,421,000 55,319,800 5.24%
INTUCH 488,800 48,326,900 1.75%
GULF 818,300 47,217,975 2.01%
KTB 1,930,300 45,556,540 2.34%
CPAXT 1,805,900 43,575,590 5.28%
SAWAD 1,099,300 40,728,350 13.77%
TISCO 343,500 33,941,200 5.10%
SCB 269,000 33,745,200 2.17%
WHA 7,067,700 31,526,600 5.05%
MINT 1,231,600 31,026,900 6.62%
HMPRO 3,633,100 29,834,645 11.16%
COM7 1,385,300 29,266,850 4.60%
CBG 392,600 27,831,100 9.42%
BCP 792,700 27,788,200 4.90%
BH 149,500 26,160,100 5.31%
TTB 12,992,100 25,265,337 3.04%
OSP 1,488,500 22,314,360 5.71%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
