AIE Hits Ceiling for 2 Consecutive Days after 500% Profit Surge in 2024

On Wednesday, share prices of AI Energy Public Company Limited (SET: AIE) hit the ceiling at THB 1.27, or 29.59% gain, at 12:15 BKK time following a remarkable performance in its 2024 financial results.

The AIE price hit the ceiling for two consecutive days following the release of the 2024 financial statement, which showed a net profit of THB 241.92 million, or a 500.80% increase compared to the same period last year when the net profit was THB 40.27 million.

The surging profit was due to a strengthened revenue from sales of products and services to THB 8,238.90, or 0.22% improvement from the previous year which booked THB 8,221.11 million.

The cost of products and services was THB 7,894.01 million, a THB 179.35 million or 2.22% shrinkage compared to 2023 which has THB 8,073.36 million operating costs.

Other incomes rose by THB 0.99 million or 14.30% to THB 7.95 million, compared to the previous year which only had THB 6.95 income from extra sources. Most of the additional income was from hiking interest rates.

Selling expenses were at THB 31.92 million, decreasing THB 6.61 million or 17.16% compared to last year, largely due to easing transportation costs.

Furthermore, the company also has EBITDA at the end of 2024 at THB 376.61 million, a THB 189.42 or 101.19% boost.

Concurrently, AIE plans to pay dividends for FY2024 at THB 0.25. The excluding dividend date (XD) is on 6 March 2025. The dividends will be paid on 30 April 2025.