SEC Thailand Joins ACMF Chairs’ Meeting to Shape Future of Regional Capital Markets

Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Thailand, stated after attending the 42nd ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Chairs’ Meeting that Thailand and other ASEAN members are ready to uplift their capital markets to compete on the global stage. 

The meeting was hosted by Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) on 13 February 2025,

At the meeting, there is affirmation on the strategic objectives of ASEAN’s market and the discussion on its key topics. The resolution was reached after a workshop with related parties to share their visions on capital markets and formulate a new five years operation plan, also known as ACMF Action Plan 2026 – 2030.

The meeting includes development of several topics, such as the Development of ASEAN Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance, the Management under Asia Green Transformation Consortium, the Development of Voluntary Carbon Markets, the development of Mitigation, Adaptation, Resilience and Sustainable Finance (MARS) Framework to boost the region’s climate adaptation finance measures, the evaluation of ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard, and the implementation on standard for sustainability disclosures.

This meeting’s goal is to set the policy’s direction for future operation under ACMF Action Plan 2026 – 2030. SEC has continuously supported and promoted the improvement of ASEAN’s capital markets to be acceptable and can compete on an international level.