Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 5 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

CRC 4,202,000 130,688,425 21.45%
AOT 2,925,000 120,932,325 4.33%
CPALL 2,247,300 117,935,425 6.29%
KBANK 720,200 108,932,200 8.93%
BH 529,700 99,420,950 7.90%
ADVANC 358,800 97,802,100 4.04%
BDMS 4,000,400 95,552,750 14.18%
GULF 1,773,700 86,721,100 4.26%
PTTEP 794,300 86,429,800 9.79%
TTB 40,425,600 77,935,273 18.21%
BEM 12,252,900 76,133,560 27.24%
HMPRO 8,011,700 66,141,345 30.90%
KTC 1,275,600 63,886,100 23.30%
MTC 1,302,900 62,203,025 16.88%
SCC 416,200 60,105,500 4.68%
IVL 2,747,400 54,815,430 8.97%
PTT 1,757,600 54,645,650 4.09%
MINT 1,508,900 44,022,575 8.04%
INTUCH 515,800 40,814,025 5.20%
WHA 11,145,000 38,371,400 6.13%
BTS 6,167,800 37,187,800 8.95%
TOP 1,541,800 37,170,340 2.31%
BCH 2,370,200 37,067,620 18.64%
BBL 247,800 36,705,300 5.58%
TRUE 3,227,500 36,301,100 3.09%
TISCO 355,000 34,679,000 5.33%
DELTA 390,700 28,558,800 1.50%
SAWAD 754,300 25,757,150 9.80%
CPF 1,027,700 24,794,380 4.11%
PTTGC 1,475,500 24,192,020 1.67%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
