KH Academy Launches Third Generation of “Prep for Fund Manager” Course, Paving Ways for Fund Manager Career Path

KH Academy, in collaboration with leading securities and asset management companies, has launched the third generation of the “Prep for Fund Manager” course, paving the way for young individuals toward a career as fund managers.

In partnership with CGS International Securities, TISCO Securities, Kasikorn Asset Management, and Metha Asset Management, the program aims to provide comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge to university students to cultivate future talent for Thailand’s capital market. The course was officially launched on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at the KH Academy Ratchathewi Campus.


Leading the welcoming committee were Mr. Siriroje Sirisawat, Deputy Director of News and Business Development at Kaohoon Daily Newspaper, and Ms. Wanwisa Punosoth, Co-Founder and Director of Partner Relations, greeting more than 50 participating students from 11 universities, including Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, Kasetsart University, Srinakharinwirot University, Silpakorn University, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Naresuan University, Prince of Songkla University, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok University, and Stamford International University.

The orientation began with financial knowledge fundamentals in the morning, delivered by Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanix Bukkavesa, CFA, Mahidol University International College (MUIC). In the afternoon, Mr. Kasem Prunratanamala, Head of Research at CGS International (Thailand), shared insights on ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) and sustainable organizational development.

The “Prep for Fund Manager” course, now in its third generation, is supported by the Thailand Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF). Additionally, KH Academy has collaborated with CGS International Securities (Thailand) (CGSI), TISCO Securities (TISCO), Kasikorn Asset Management (KAsset), and Metha Asset Management (Metha), as well as Mahidol University International College (MUIC). These organizations provide expert lecturers to share their knowledge and experiences related to the fund management profession with participants throughout the course, which consists of 10 classes over one month.

KH Academy was established to continue the mission of “Kaohoon Turakij” in disseminating knowledge to the public and raising the quality of Thai education and society. It works closely with private sector partners, including B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (SET: BGRIM), PrimeStreet Advisory, BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited (SET: BTS), Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited (SET: KTB), Srisawad Corporation Public Company Limited (SET: SAWAD), Medeze Group Public Company Limited (SET: MEDEZE), Millennium Group Corporation (Asia) Public Company Limited (SET: MGC), Petchsrivichai Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET: PCE), CGS International Securities (CGSI), Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited (SET: SNNP), Sky ICT Public Company Limited (SET: SKY), Food Moments Public Company Limited (SET: FM), TQM Alpha Public Company Limited (SET: TQM), TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET: TOA), Minor International Public Company Limited (SET: MINT), G-Able Public Company Limited (SET: GABLE), Master Style Public Company Limited (SET: MASTER), Ichitan Group Public Company Limited (SET: ICHI), alongside government agencies and educational institutions. The KH Preparatory Programs offer training for careers in the financial-investment industry, featuring three main courses:

  1. Prep for Financial Advisor: preparing for the financial advisory profession.
  2. Prep for Investment Analyst: preparing for the securities analysis profession.
  3. Prep for Fund Manager: preparing for the fund management profession.


These programs provide second to fourth-year university students with opportunities to gain both theoretical and practical experience through workshops and contests with team scholarship prizes of 50,000 baht, supporting the integration of academic knowledge and career skills for future applications.