Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 12 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

AOT 9,268,600 366,123,425 15.70%
KBANK 903,700 135,906,150 7.94%
DELTA 1,820,300 129,146,775 6.22%
BDMS 5,329,600 125,974,120 7.41%
SCC 764,800 117,827,300 9.01%
PTT 3,430,100 94,782,350 3.89%
ADVANC 285,700 76,895,600 3.92%
KTB 2,957,600 67,975,460 5.51%
TRUE 6,115,200 63,638,200 2.43%
BH 341,700 59,739,650 5.90%
BBL 401,200 58,945,500 6.39%
CPALL 1,045,400 52,868,550 3.77%
INTUCH 673,000 52,001,050 4.19%
BEM 9,100,400 50,771,025 10.53%
CRC 1,442,300 40,447,875 6.11%
MINT 1,461,900 40,356,375 10.99%
HMPRO 5,028,100 39,193,280 14.58%
TTB 17,970,100 34,161,063 7.02%
SCB 263,900 32,799,950 4.14%
MTC 674,100 30,179,325 11.50%
IVL 1,306,800 27,722,790 6.23%
PTTEP 252,700 27,344,450 4.20%
GULF 582,700 27,339,850 1.49%
WHA 7,029,500 25,072,482 5.77%
BTS 4,338,000 24,667,250 7.23%
CBG 346,100 20,843,600 5.16%
BCH 1,028,900 16,372,790 22.19%
TISCO 165,900 16,243,725 3.47%
CPF 671,100 16,149,230 4.63%
PTTGC 885,000 16,123,630 2.05%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
