Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 21 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

KTB 16,038,900 380,192,980 11.04%
PTT 6,098,200 192,811,425 7.41%
TRUE 15,114,600 165,707,060 8.51%
BH 609,000 106,942,600 18.35%
SCC 622,900 102,506,800 14.90%
KBANK 630,700 102,464,250 5.13%
CPF 4,100,400 98,473,520 10.02%
VGI 28,783,100 92,824,646 7.38%
ADVANC 330,900 87,702,100 3.05%
BDMS 3,645,800 83,487,260 4.55%
DELTA 1,212,600 82,332,825 5.15%
CPALL 1,530,500 77,775,075 5.26%
BBL 380,900 57,157,650 4.90%
CCET 9,221,100 57,067,465 8.06%
AOT 1,188,800 47,928,275 5.22%
WHA 11,909,900 43,828,206 11.89%
HMPRO 4,786,100 38,316,975 11.09%
PTTEP 319,500 36,352,400 2.67%
CPN 588,100 29,640,325 5.83%
CRC 1,091,700 29,322,300 5.37%
BCP 766,100 29,017,900 8.06%
SCB 230,500 28,705,100 2.42%
TTB 11,142,700 22,128,643 1.02%
TOP 727,000 19,724,025 1.97%
MTC 468,400 19,597,450 7.69%
PTTGC 918,100 17,242,080 2.90%
LH 3,224,200 14,569,344 6.53%
SAWAD 459,300 13,723,900 5.64%
BTS 2,193,700 12,216,770 3.67%
BEM 2,159,800 11,971,450 4.23%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
