Top 30 Short-Selling Thai Stocks on 25 March 2025



% Short Selling Value

Comparing with

Total Trading Value

TRUE 17,695,300 207,696,210 15.42%
PTT 4,311,600 139,049,100 7.82%
AOT 3,172,100 127,273,075 15.60%
SCC 768,300 121,760,800 14.64%
BH 571,100 99,690,950 23.18%
ADVANC 318,700 87,273,600 6.03%
BBL 448,200 67,607,150 8.69%
KTB 2,381,900 57,372,670 3.50%
DELTA 676,600 46,483,900 3.46%
CPALL 906,600 45,593,675 3.03%
TTB 21,152,100 41,419,712 7.79%
PTTEP 351,700 41,306,300 3.60%
WHA 9,941,100 35,660,742 12.77%
KBANK 215,400 35,053,250 3.12%
SAWAD 1,126,500 31,490,075 11.03%
KTC 694,400 31,469,225 14.80%
MTC 781,900 31,319,725 7.71%
IVL 1,357,100 28,348,000 10.97%
BCP 708,600 26,890,750 11.69%
PTTGC 1,113,900 20,490,810 3.15%
LH 4,683,300 20,227,044 9.90%
VGI 6,341,100 19,516,212 10.02%
BDMS 836,800 19,002,960 3.66%
KCE 1,002,500 18,182,260 25.16%
HMPRO 2,333,400 18,063,155 8.21%
KKP 281,000 15,825,625 16.23%
CPF 650,500 15,643,270 3.74%
BANPU 3,323,100 14,403,954 8.72%
OSP 894,300 12,792,070 3.78%
SCGP 759,100 10,817,380 1.55%


– Excluding a short sale by a member that is a participating dealer or market maker of the ETF investment units for the company’s account, for the purpose of realizing a profit from a price spread (arbitrage), or for the purpose of stabilizing liquidity, as the case may be.
