ACE Signs 2 MSW Power Plant Projects Totaling 18MW

Absolute Clean Energy Public Company Limited (SET: ACE) has informed that Alliance Clean Power Company Limited (ALCP), a subsidiary which the company indirectly holds 100% shares who had won the e-bidding and had been selected to invest, develop, and operate a municipal solid waste (MSW) power plant projects, already signed the grant of rights agreement of the project (Project Grant Agreement) for a total of 2 projects on 21st March 2025 and 27th March 2025, respectively, details as follows: 

  1. MSW power plant project for Kai Khum Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang Amnat Charoen District, Amnat Charoen Province (Kai Khum MSW Power Plant Project)
  2. MSW power plant project for Wang Phloeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Khok Samrong District, Lop Buri Province (Wang Phloeng MSW Power Plant Project).

The Project Grant Agreements of both projects are under Build-Own-Operate (BOO) scheme for a period of 25 years, while each of both power plants is expected to have an installed capacity and a power purchase agreement (PPA) capacity of 9.9 MW and 8.0 MW, respectively. 

In addition to this, when including the 2 aforementioned projects, the Company will have 9 projects of MSW power plant in total, with a total installed capacity of 80.40 MW, which can be summarized according to the project status as follows:

Group Project Status No. of Projects Total Installed Capacity (MW)
1 In Operation 2 12.00
2 Under Development (Project Grant Agreement and PPA 

have been signed)

2 18.90
3 Awaiting Development (Project Grant Agreement has 

been signed but PPA has not been signed)

5 49.50
Total 9 80.40