B.Grimm Power Sign 323MW PPA with Thai Authority to Develop Solar Farms

B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (“B.Grimm Power”) has announced that its subsidiaries and joint ventures totaling 8 companies, jointly held between B.Grimm Power and other partners, entered into 25-year Power Purchase Agreements with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (“EGAT”) and Provincial Electricity Authority (“PEA”) for development of solar farms projects (“the Projects”). The total contracted capacity of the Projects is 323.3 megawatts, with a scheduled commercial operation date (SCOD) from 2026 to 2030 with detail as following;

This project is consistent with B.Grimm Power’s GreenLeap-Global and Green Strategy to support rapidly changing energy markets and supplying renewable energy to Thailand to achieve targets for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065.