CKPower Wins The ‘Climate Action Leading Organisation’ Award, Advancing C-K-P Strategy to Foster a Low-Carbon Society

CKPower Public Company Limited, or CKPower (SET: CKP), one of the region’s largest producers of electricity from renewables with one of the lowest carbon footprints, recently received a plaque of honor certifying the company as an Outstanding Climate Action Leading Organisation (CALO) from Mr. Jatuporn Buruspat, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. This recognition includes assessing the results of measuring and third-party verification of greenhouse gas emissions data accuracy, as well as the company’s efforts and plans for reducing these gases. It serves as a testament to CKPower’s ongoing commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while safeguarding the environment, communities and stakeholders across the entire value chain.

Mr. Thanawat Trivisvavet, Managing Director of CKPower PLC, said, “We place great  importance on addressing climate change as part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have implemented policies on comprehensive climate change and energy conservation that cover the entire organisation. On the energy conservation front, we actively encourage all personnel across our organisation to reduce energy consumption in order to enhance power production efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Looking ahead, we are committed to increasing the share of renewable energy in our operations, including hydropower and solar power, and to continuously support the expansion of forested and green areas in the future. All of these initiatives are driven by our ‘sustainable development steering committee’ , which sets our strategic direction and goals with the participation of our personnel in line with our C-K-P sustainability strategy. In 2023, CKPower group of companies emitted only 0.069 tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (tCO2e) greenhouse gases per megawatt-hour (MWh) of power production – a 0.26%  reduction from the target and successfully avoided 4.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions annually.”

“For our next step, CKPower plans to expand its development of renewable energy and build a foundation for energy security, aligning with Thailand’s efforts to become a low-carbon society. The ‘outstanding’ evaluation of our greenhouse gas emissions measurement and reduction, conducted by the Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN), under the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation, will play a key role in helping us achieve our concrete goal of net zero emissions by 2050, in line with our CKP NET ZERO EMISSIONS 2050 plan.” added Mr. Thanawat.

CKPower is one of only two companies from the resources sector to receive the Outstanding Climate Action Leading Organisation (CALO) award for 2024. The company achieved at least two levels of Silver-class evaluation out of three key assessment criteria: Measure with third party verification, Reduce, and Contribute. This evaluation was conducted by the Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN), which is part of the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisations network. TCNN is responsible for driving efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from organisations across various sectors and recognizing organisations that demonstrate leadership in managing their businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These organisations show a clear commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supported by accurate, third-party verified data, defined goals, and implementable plans.