Every time the bill is about to expire, like clockwork, the United States Congress...
Congress Moves to Block U.S. Investment in China with New Restrictions
On Tuesday, lawmakers said that in the next few days, Congress will hold a...
House Rejects Funding Bill as Illegal Voting Becomes Controversial Topic
Following a 220-202 vote, the US House of Representatives denied Mike Johnson’s proposal for...
US Congress Passes Temporary Funding Bill to Avoid Shutdown
On Thursday, the US House of Representatives approved the temporary funding bill to fund...
US Debt Hits a “Depressing Achievement” of $34 Trillion
The US Treasury Department stated on Tuesday that the country had reached the total...
US Gov’t on Brink of Shutting Down as Congress Divided on 2024 Budget
The US Government is likely to be shutdown at sharp 00:01 AM on 1...