On June 18th, FORTUNE, the world-renowned financial and investment magazine, released its “FORTUNE Southeast...
Thaiwatsadu under Central Retail Launches 82nd Branch in Sa Kaeo, Boosting Indochina Economic Expansion
Thaiwatsadu, a leader in the retail business for construction materials and home decoration products...
Thaiwatsadu Achieves 2023 Revenue Milestone of THB40bn, Aiming for ‘No.1 Omnichannel DIY Home Retailer’ in Industry
CRC Thaiwatsadu under Central Retail, a retail business of construction materials and home decoration...
CRC’s 1Q24 Revenue Hits THB 67 Billion, Paving Ways for Accelerated Expansions
Mr. Yol Phokasub, Chief Executive Officer of Central Retail Corporation Public Company Limited or...
Thai Retail Stocks Edge Higher after the Launch of THB10,000 Digital Handout
Retail stocks edged higher in the afternoon session after the Thai Prime Minister kicked...
Central Group Could Be In Better Position for Business Growth
Concerns surrounding Central Group seem to ease after the announcement of Vingroup selling a...