On 19 March 2023, the Labour Protection Act (No. 8) B.E. 2566 (2023) was...
Cambodia Tax Alert: How to Survive the Tax Filling Season!
For tax advisors, CFOs, and finance personnel throughout Cambodia, the last few weeks of...
Cambodia Legal Alert: Cambodia Adopts a Merger Clearance Regulations
The Royal Government of Cambodia has issued the Sub-Decree on Requirements and Procedures for...
DFDL Myanmar: Coming in Force of Long-Awaited Myanmar Trademark Law
On 10 March 2023, the State Administration Council (“SAC”) made effective the Trademark Law...
Cambodia Tax Alert: 5 Tips to Successfully Obtain a VAT Refund
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road,...
DFDL Vietnam Legal Alert: Amended Intellectual Property Law 2022
On 16 June 2022, the Vietnamese National Assembly officially approved the amended Intellectual Property...