Due to seasonality in the third quarter, including the rainy season and the flood...
ICHI Is Set for Growth in 3Q24 despite Low Season
The analysis of Finansia Syrus Securities indicates a strong momentum of profit growth for...
CGSI Raises Target Price of ‘Ichitan’ to THB21.90, Expecting Sales to Peak in 2Q24
Ichitan Group had just recorded a quarterly high in revenue and earnings from its...
Ichitan Could Surprise the Market in 3Q23 with 40% Growth Despite Low Season
Ichitan Group PCL (SET: ICHI) is expected to surprise the market as the analyst...
FSSIA Expects Strong Performance from ICHI as Net Profit Could Surge 55% in 2023
The stock of famous bottled tea producer, Ichitan Group (SET: ICHI) once peaked last...
Ichitan Expects 3Q/23 Revenue Reaching New Heights!
Ichitan Group Public Company Limited (SET: ICHI), one of two most promising non-soda beverage...