The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday downgraded its forecast for the global economy...
IMF Says Recession Fears Keep Commodity Prices Down as Inflation Has Not Been Tamed
Commodity prices have been on a downside in recent weeks as fears over recession...
IMF Trims US Growth Forecast to 2.3% for 2022 as Consumer Spending Slows
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) trimmed its US growth projection for 2022 to 2.3%...
IMF Trims Thailand’s Growth Forecast to 3.6% in 2022 and Warns of Inflation Danger
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday trimmed its global economic growth projection in...
IMF to Cut Global Growth Forecast as Russia-Ukraine War Weighs Heavily on Economy
The war in Ukraine is sending an impact not only to itself and Ukraine,...
IMF Sees Further Sell Off and Slow Capital Flows in EM amid Fed’s Rate Hike
The International Monetary Fund has warned that the market sell off could continue further...