In an unexpected move, the South Korean central bank went for back-to-back cuts on...
Fed’s Kashkari Signals Openness to Further Rate Cuts in December
Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, expressed his openness to...
Inflation Continues to Rise, Dampening Expectations of December Rate Adjustment
Odds generated from the prediction market indicating a halt in December's rate cut have...
Japan’s Headline Inflation Hits 10-month Low amid Rate Hike Anticipation in December
Japanese headline inflation dipped to a 10-month low of 2.3% in October, down from...
Rate Cuts Pace Slows as Powell Considers Solid Economic Position
Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, hinted at a watchful approach towards trimming...
US Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates Amid Softening Labor Market and 2% Inflation Goal Nearing
The Federal Reserve in the United States has reduced interest rates by 0.25 percentage...