PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (SET: OR), under the leadership of...
Oil Prices End 5-Day Winning Streak Amid Strengthening Dollar
As the U.S. Federal Reserve prepares to release key economic reports, including job numbers,...
OPEC+ Fears US Oil Boom under Trump Could Undermine Market Share and Prices
OPEC+ is concerned about a potential rise in US oil production when Donald Trump...
PTT and PTTEP Surge over Rising Crude Oil Prices after a Halt Production of Norwegian Oil Field
On November 19, 2024, at 10:51 AM, shares of PTT Public Company Limited (SET:...
Oil Prices Could Reach $100 as Fear of Shutting Hormuz Strait Looms
Panic spread as Iran may close the Hormuz strait in the event of an...
PTTEP Rises 2% as Escalating Tensions in the Middle East Support Oil Prices
On Wednesday at 10:42 AM (Bangkok time), the share price of PTT Exploration and...