The share price of PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (SET: OR)...
OR Expects Huge Profit in Q3 with 600% Growth and Stock Repurchase
PTT Oil and Retail Business PCL (SET: OR) is expecting its Q3 profit over...
OR Goes Full Stream on Global Expansion, Setting Cambodia as Second Home
PTT Oil and Retail Business PCL (SET: OR) announced the plans to increase its...
PTTOR Expands Beyond Oil: Venturing into Lifestyle Businesses
PTTOR Oil and Retail Public Company Limited (SET: OR) is embarking on an ambitious...
Thailand’s Big Oil Retail Plans to List Farm-to-Table Café as Business Momentum in 2H Brighten
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (SET: OR) is planning to spin...
OR Announces Dividend Payment of THB0.25 on September 22
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (SET: OR) has announced the Board...