Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (SET: TU), the world’s seafood leader, has been...
Thai Union Earns A-Level Recognition in SET ESG Ratings
Thai Union Group PCL (SET: TU), the world seafood leader, has been recognized with...
Global Minimum Tax’s Implications on Thai Union and i-Tail Corp’s Financial Outlook
The Thai cabinet has approved the measure to collect global minimum corporate tax (GMT)...
Thai Union, ITC, TFM Participate in International Anti-Corruption Day Activities
Thai Union Group PCL (SET: TU), led by Mr. Pongpol Plipuch, General Manager Group...
Message from Thai Union to Address Consumer over Mercury Concerns in Europe
Several reports have raised consumer’s concerns on the tinned tuna in Europe that is...
Thai Union Reassures Consumers of Safe Tinned Tuna Products amid Mercury Concerns in Europe
Shares of Thai Union Public Company Limited (SET: TU) plummeted by 4.3% during the...