As major economies are facing persistent inflation above target range, China is on a...
Janet Yellen Sees Nothing Wrong in Bond Market despite Historical Worst Performance
US policymakers think there’s nothing wrong with the bond market, despite a publication from...
Calendar Update 9-13 October, IMF Week and Super Thursday
This week's economic calendar from 9 to 13 October is packed with inflation indicators...
World Bank Trims Thailand’s Economic Growth in 2023 to 3.4%
The World Bank trimmed Thailand’s economic growth in 2023 along with the projection for...
World Bank Upgrades Thailand’s 2023 GDP Growth as Global Economy Recovers and Tourists Return
The World Bank on Wednesday lifted its growth forecast for Thailand’s economy from 3.6%...
World Bank Warns Global Growth to Slow Down in 2023 amid High Prices, Banking Stress
The World Bank anticipates major economies will grow at a much slower rate this...