All of Asia Pacific major indices mostly fell on Thursday morning (26 Oct, 9:30...
Germany Will Overtake Japan as Third-Largest Economy in 2023
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected Germany’s 2023 nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at...
UK Startup Amasses $15 Billion from Mainly US Investors
In Q3 of 2023, UK startups already amassed $4.9 billion from mainly US investors....
Asia Markets Mostly Rise after the CNY 1 Trillion Stimulus Confirmed
Asia Pacific major indices mostly rose on Wednesday morning (25 Oct, 9:30 AM, GMT+7,...
“Revenge Travel” Could Already Be Over
Global travellers went on a travelling rampage right after the Covid restriction was lifted...
“Too Much Risk” Bill Ackman Backs Off T-Bond Short
Bill Ackman, Pershing Square (hedge fund) manager, revealed on Monday (23 Oct) that he...