The U.K. inflation surged to a 30-year high due to higher energy costs, resurgent...
Kaohoon Morning Brief – 19 January 2022
1) Wall Street closes lower in disappointment of Goldman’s earnings, rising bond yield Wall...
U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Tops 1.83% in a 2-Year High
The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield rose to its two-year record high above the 1.83%...
Kaohoon Morning Brief – 18 January 2022
1) Fauci says too soon to predict omicron is an endgame White House chief...
Japanese Finance Minister Vows Budget Surplus by Fiscal Year 2025
Japan is set to issue government bonds worth 215 trillion yen ($1.89 trillion) in...
Japan in Deep Discussion for Quasi-Emergency for Tokyo
The Japanese government is considering declaring a quasi-state of emergency for Tokyo and three...